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December 01, 2023

Ranking Member Thompson: Extreme MAGA Republican Effort to Impeach DHS Secretary Fully Exposed as Political Stunt

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on the extreme MAGA Republican effort to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas:

“Tonight, the extreme MAGA Republican effort to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas was fully exposed as the political stunt that it is. 

“As early as this morning, the Homeland Security Committee Chairman said he did not want to create a 'false hope' that his partisan investigation of the Secretary would lead to impeachment. But now, news reports indicate that Members have been promised that impeachment will move through our committee. Apparently, their baseless, so-called ‘investigation’ was just a shell game to justify a pre-determined, evidence-free impeachment over policy differences rather than any Constitutional grounds. 

“Instead of their constant chaos and political games, House Republicans should be working with congressional Democrats and the Biden Administration to fix our broken immigration system and provide DHS the resources it needs along the border now.”

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